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Political Candidate Vendors


MAY 3, 2025



  • Check-in and set-up will BEGIN Saturday at 6:00 a.m. Streets will not be closed until then so please do not try to set up early. Each vendor must check-in with the vendor committee to find their assigned booth space. Please turn left at Handi Corner to Hwy 8, turn left on S Mulberry St, you will then drive straight down till you are greeted kindly by our vendor committee. (NO VENDOR MAP WILL BE GIVEN PRIOR TO THE FESTIVAL.) On Saturday, vendors must have their booths ready for business by 8:00 a.m. Go directly to your assigned space.  After initial unloading, vendors will park their vehicles in another area. (DO NOT ARRIVE BEFORE 5:30 A.M!)

  • Vendors fee is $200.00. Vendors are responsible for the appearance of their booth and must clean up after the festival.  You may not work out of your bus, van, car, motor home, etc.  Tables, chairs, and tents are not provided.  

  • No exhibit may be set up as to obstruct vision of or access to stores, another exhibit, or as to impede the free flow of traffic. 

  • No pets allowed.

  • No beverages or (competing) food items are allowed for sale or to be given away. 

  • Political Booth spaces will be assigned by the Armadillo Festival Committee.

  • No political issues are allowed. *One Candidate or Organization per Booth.

  • No refunds will be made for inclement weather or other acts of God over which the sponsors have no control and the risk of loss as such, shall be borne by the vendor.  The festival will not be responsible for damaged or stolen property, accidents, or fire.

  • Reservations will be confirmed with a receipt of payment.

Political Vendor Registration Form


Thank you for registering for the 52nd World Famous Armadillo Festival!

This form no longer accepts submissions.

The deadline is April 1st, 2025. Vendor hereby requests permission to display and sell the products and/or services listed at the end of this document.


Further, the World Famous Armadillo Festival, and the Hamburg Area Chamber of Commerce, reserves the right to approve any product/item a vendor may wish to sell

Click the W icon above to access the Political Candidate vendor form. All forms can be mailed directly to the Hamburg Area Chamber of Commerce. Please email with any questions or concerns.


Get in touch with Hamburg Area Chamber of Commerce

to learn more about our work and how

you can get involved.

108 N. Mulberrry St., Hamburg, AR

(870) 853-8345


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